Financial Seminar and Event Schedule

What to Know Before You Go

Foundation's Office 140 Allens Creek Rd, Suite 3, Rochester, NY

Being prepared for your end-of-life care and after your death is an empowering and liberating action. It provides comfort and security for family and friends and can alleviate painful moments. In this seminar you will develop your end of life ‘checklist’ and tailored to your personal situation and preferences.

Second Saturday

Foundation's Office 140 Allens Creek Rd, Suite 3, Rochester, NY

Second Saturday covers the legal, financial, family and personal issues of divorce in a logical, yet compassionate way. Our workshops are presented by a team of qualified legal and financial professionals and family counselors. This classroom format will give you ample opportunity to ask questions, meet with divorce professionals, connect with resources for your specific situation, and connect with other women in similar situations.

Investing 101

Foundation's Office 140 Allens Creek Rd, Suite 3, Rochester, NY

Stocks, Bonds and REITs, oh my! We can help you understand what investments you have and why you have them. Bring your statements and questions for this overview of investment accounts and types of investment vehicles.